More and more companies are using the Coaching to achieve their goals and solve certain problems. The pressure (crisis, hierarchy, profitability), interpersonal conflicts, lack of career development, lack of recognition, high absenteeism or burnout are factors that can create a bad working environment. So many problems that negatively affect the results of the company. Employees of a company are its main resource: if they feel good, they are efficient, and if they are effective, the company is performing well.
Coaching in companies consists of individual or collective coaching.
Individual Coaching or focus on the person
We offer individual support for executives and employees of your company who want to improve their skills in terms of organization, relationship or communication. By developing high-quality relationships with all stakeholders (hierarchy, colleagues, customers, suppliers) your employees will be able to clarify their own objectives, analyze a situation, anticipate a crisis, manage conflicts and improve Interpersonal communication. This type of in-house coaching helps to achieve objectives such as managing new responsibilities, motivating a team, speaking in public, managing difficult interviews, etc. In periods of professional upheaval, we will accompany your employees so that they can go through the periods of change at best.
Team Coaching
Team coaching is intended to accompany members of a group (from two people) to solve a problem that they have in common, either between them or in the face of an external situation. We use tools to understand how a system works – what is the role of each actor, what is the vision of each actor – and how to better understand each other. The aim is to highlight the more or less conscious advantages that the protagonists have to remain in a system – even if it does not suit them – and what the alternatives can be to get out of it. When the problem involves several people, the sessions are done first individually and then in groups.