All our workshops are based on a “learning – practice – follow-up – integration” approach. Depending on your needs, we bring the theoretical and practical aspects so that each participant can put into practice its own actions in his environment. Individual and / or group monitoring is offered over a specific period to ensure an efficient integration.
Our workshops are delivered in individual or small groups (maximum 15 people). This method, particularly adapted to adults, allows each person to revisit the action accomplished and define the points of improvement.
Below we present a non-exhaustive list of the various workshops that we had the pleasure of providing at our customers:
- Manage a project and a project team
- Public speaking
- Verbal and nonverbal communication
- Conducting interviews • Management of stress and emotions
- Management of time • Manager or Leader? Who are you ?
- Manage teams in VUCA phase
- Emotional Intelligence, in my daily activity
We can also offer tailor-made workshops tailored to your needs, your target and the objectives of your company